What is God? Who is God?
Big Question! Perhaps even THE Big Question!
The tricky part is that as soon as I start using words to describe or define God, I've already imposed symbolism and limitation. (One possible definition of God is "The Unlimited that cannot be symbolized.")
For example: what pronouns do I use? If I use masculine pronouns, then I'm implying that God is NOT female. If I use gender-neutral pronouns, I'm putting God into the category of THING rather than Being.
Hmm..... I guess that the best I can do is say a few things ABOUT God?
- God is a word that we humans have made up.
- God is a concept that we humans have made up.
- But God is also the word that points to something BEYOND human concepts.
- We want to believe in God.
- We don't want to believe in God.
- Our feelings about God are conflicted.
- Do our feelings about God even matter? Do our feelings about ANY fact matter?
- God is a word that we use to symbolize Something that is the Source of everything.
- God is the concept of the Eternal, the Unlimited, the Unchangeable.
- God is the concept of perfect Oneness.
- God is the concept of all True Power.
- God is non-coercive, belonging to the realm of Will, not that of choice.
- God is eternal, meaning always in existence: no beginning, no end. Just Presence.
- If the human mind believes it comprehends God, it is deceived.
- A perfect Creator is defined by a perfect creation.
- We might even say that God is a word that symbolized our HOPE that there is Something More than humanity, Something More than the universe, Something More than our limited perception.
Guess what! There IS!!!!
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