How's life?
I have to break some news to you. Should I be gentle? No? You can handle it?
Are you sure?????
OK. . . Here goes.
If you feel that your life is going well, you're probably not making a lot of spiritual progress at this time.
Not to say that you're making NO spiritual progress. Just not a lot. It's going SLOWLY. Not as efficient as it could be.
See, Spirit is not coercive. It's can't force us into anything; that would go against the very nature of God. We can't progress until we ASK for progress. And, the sad fact is that most of us do not ASK for help when things are going well.
We wait until life turns to shit. THAT'S when we finally say, "Help! This is a nightmare."
And Spirit responds. "Here's your help: this IS a nightmare. Wake up, dear."
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