Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, January 14, 2011

This stuff is interesting, but I don't understand it. What do I do about that?

If non-dualistic thought seems compelling to you, you should continue to study it and apply it. Actually, the application of it is much MUCH more important than having an intellectual understanding of it. There's only so much that is even POSSIBLE to understand because human intellect is itself part of the illusion!

I'm advising you to continually ASK for meaning and clarity, even if you don't totally understand who or what you are directing the question to. Especially pay attention to those times when you are not feeling peaceful. You will usually notice those moments more when negative feelings are present. (Technically, the 'highs' and 'peak experiences' that ego offers up are not peaceful, either. But we are more likely to convince ourselves that we deserve to feel good. So most of us will notice lack of peace when we're angry, hurt, upset, disillusioned, fearful, depressed, etc.)

When you're aware that you are not at peace, this is a great time to confess. "I realize that the only way a pure creation of God could not be at peace is by believing that something other than God exists. I ASK for another way of seeing, and I'm willing to accept it."

If' you're still uncomfortable with all the 'God language' don't use it. God is just a word we humans made up. Even if you're not convinced that there is Something that never changes, at least give it a try. Just try ASKing for a different perception when you're upset.

You'll see. The results are much more convincing than anything I can write.


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