What about ownership?
A great deal of our time on earth (especially in the United States) is spent acquiring things. These objects quickly become part of our identity. Some are acquired because they are helpful, some are acquired because they are enjoyable, and some are acquired because they improve our perceived status in comparison with other people.
The concept of ownership is easily seen as illusion. We come into this world owning nothing, and we leave with nothing. Thus, things are just used while we are living our lifetime. It's interesting that ownership is so readily acknowledged as not real, and yet we spend so much time pursuing it and so much of our identity is tied up with it.
Ownership even extends from things to traits and conditions. It's very common to hear people use possessive pronouns to describe characteristics and situations. "My personality. . . my asthma, her diabetes, his problem, their unemployment, my anger, her addiction, his alcoholism, etc" It's plain to see from our language that we view our possessions and traits as part of WHO and WHAT we are, even though ownership itself is very clearly not real.
People who will admit this will quickly shift from ownership to activity. They will acknowledge that we are not defined by what we HAVE, but then they will claim we are defined by what we DO.
Doing. That's a topic for another post.
At 12:35 PM,
Steve said…
Humans act in response to earthly elements and motal truths. They preceive life through human eyes and surender to laws created by mortals. Truths existing in this universe are corporeal by nature. The substances of earth and space are natural or synthesised by using coarse materials.
The design of man's world is created through thoughts, ideas, and knowledge - - building new objects by manipulating laws or truths inherent to the mortal sphere. Taking the bits and peices of the physical earth they create medicines, buildings, religions, philosophies making their existence on earth palatable.
Ego, the center of the human mind drives the species, whereby, colosal,vast and impressive deeds are accomplished. Edifices, schools of thought, leaders, followers, and more become the progress of the human condition.
Spiritual essence, the intelligence through its own volition plants itself into the corporal sphere, entering a mortal body. The spiritual essence, always seeking truth, arrives on this scene to experience mortal life.
There are perhaps multipul spiritual and mortal Spheres . Each bursting of truth. The spirit feeds on truth - - truth is its best meal. Truth brings light to its being.
While on earth, spirit, allows ego to teach it. Ego is physical centered, and will lead the sprit to realize there is limited truth in the temporal world. Eartly relationship, mortal pleasure, anything and everything assoicated with an Ego driven life, is limited. In time the spirit must reconize its trueself; however, many do not and become attached all things physical. They fall into a limited world of truth. To expell the world, is to thank the Ego of its tour, and allow the spiritual entity, the spirtual self to move completely through the sinus of the body. When this tranformaion occurs, a new essense of truth is obtained in this sphere. A better understanding of why we are here makes all of this hoopal real. (more to come...)
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