Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, December 31, 2010

What about fear?

The Course claims that we really only have two emotions: Love and fear. Fear can be defined as the absence of Love, which means fear isn't real.

If the topic of fear interests you, allow me to recommend a wonderful book: Feel the Fear (and Do It Anyway) by Susan Jeffers. The author claims that any emotion that we deem negative or self-defeating can be distilled to fear. And all fear can be summarized as "I'm afraid that I can't handle it." And THAT, claims Jeffers, is not true (illusion). The truth is that we can handle anything. People who seek advice from others are handling their fears. People who take drugs are handling their fears. People who kill themselves are handling their fears. In fact, it could be argued that all human doings are attempts to alleviate fear.

We humans are fearful creatures. We fear that bad things might happen, that bad events from the past may happen again, we fear that good things won't last, and we fear being proven wrong about our views. Usually, our biggest fears are death and suffering. We fear loss. We fear illness. We fear limitations. We fear scarcity. And, most baffling of all, are those moments when we feel fear and can't exactly figure out WHY!

If your life seems paralyzed by fear, you may want to try some of the suggestions on this blog. The promise of non-duality is that only the Real endures and that there is no fear in Reality. I can testify (there's the Mormon in me coming out) that my fear level has dramatically lowered since I began studying non-dualism and opening my mind to these ideas.

This is a gentle path. What better way to relieve fear than to realize that you're afraid of nothing? Think of a little child who's scared at night. That's us. We are afraid of things that seem real, but aren't.

Fear is illusion. Love is Real.


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