Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, December 24, 2010

What is the Christ?

Before I tackle this question, a reminder: Don't get hung up on words and terms. Remember, they are symbols and, as such, what they symbolize is far more critical than the term used.

With that in mind, I would throw the question back at you. What is Christ to you? Is that word synonymous with Jesus? If so, you may want to stick with that definition for a while as you investigate non-duality further.

In my view, Jesus was the Christ. But so is every human, animal, plant, planet, grain of sand, and star. Okay, not literally. Because, remember that non-duality cannot recognize anything that changes and evolves as something that is real.

God is a word that symbolizes the Creative Force that is the Source of Reality. Christ is the word that symbolizes the eternal creations of God. In human terms, calling God the Father, and Christ the Son is a pretty good description, though the gender specificity gets in the way.

Can you find (somewhere in your identity) something Eternal, something Authentic, something that you sense will never die or change? For most humans, the thing that comes closest to this description is Love. Can you think of a person, object, situation, or circumstance toward which you feel a sense of Love that seems timeless? A feeling of no conditions, a feeling of complete acceptance and joy? Of course, it's not going to be pure, because everything here is symbolic. But human feelings of Love come pretty close to what I'm describing. This aspect of your True Self would be, in my paradigm, termed "Christ."

Christ emanates from God, is exactly like God, is just as loving and powerful as God, and just as perfect and eternal as God. The one and only distinction between the two is that God is That Which Has Always Been, while the Christ began WITH God. God is the Source, Christ flows from God.

Sounds abstract, huh? Keep in mind: when a person is insane, descriptions of a sane life seem abstract, intellectual, and extremely useless. We who are wallowing in duality are effectively crazy. No better definition of insanity than 'disassociation from your identity'. We are all Christ. And we don't believe it.


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