Is ignorance bliss?
If we just ignore the non-dualistic nature of Reality and focus on the dualistic lifetime we're currently living, will we be happier? We see many examples of people who know they're living a lie, but persist for one reason or another.
I guess it depends on your definition of happiness. To me, happiness means a sense of internal peace that transcends all the external drama of human life. The world offers happiness, too. Being close to family and friends, having health, having wealth, enjoyment of activity, etc. are all worldly forms of happiness. Nothing wrong with them at all. Except one problem: each situation can change in mere moments from a happy situation to a nightmare.
The Peace of God (spoken of by Jesus in the Bible) is not assailed by any of the goings-on of human life. In fact, there are some of us who believe that Jesus chose crucifixion as an extreme example of how inner peace can't be affected by anything.
If you're feeling that life is good enough they way it is, then have at it! Continue doing things the way you have been doing them. It won't last. Eventually, sooner or later, each person will have the realization that there has to be a better way to approach life. And when that realization hits, Spirit comes rushing in to help.
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