Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What is Peace?

Peace is a very important symbol. In fact, when I'm discussing spiritual or psychological issues with others, I almost always ask about how much peace is in the awareness of the other person.

The Peace of God is symbolic of acceptance of Reality. Anytime we have something other than peace in our awareness, it's an indicator that we have chosen to believe in a concept that belongs to a substitute reality. You don't have to even be aware of what the false concept is; you just have to know that it's there, somewhere in your mind.

The more we accept the Real, the more we are aware of Peace.

Look at how different people react to the same crisis in their life. Different reactions indicate different individual levels of peace awareness.

The world offers peace, also. The peace of the world is a temporary sense of well-being, a feeling of 'things are okay, but that could change at any moment.' This peace is limited, individual, and temporary.

The Peace of God is not affected by the events of the world. This Peace is unlimited, universal, and eternal. It's always there for us to partake of, but can be blocked by our desire for worldly peace. Remember, God cannot coerce us. Willingness is part of our True Identity. When we willingly set aside the peace of the world and accept the Peace of God, we become aware of It.


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