Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What is ego?

Ego is the separate, individual self that we earthlings believe is our identity. It includes the body, the brain, the mind, and all of their attributes.

The ego, being separate, limited, mortal, frail (etc) cannot have been a creation of God, since these attributes are not of God. Most religions explain this by teaching that we fell into this state because of sinful choices.

Actually, though, a creation that is even capable of falling into sin and separation is not a perfect creation. So the explanations of the above-mentioned religions is inadequate.

The ego is actually an illusion. It symbolizes our desire to separate from God. Separation from God cannot happen in Reality, so we had to LEAVE Reality and then forget about God to believe we had accomplished this.

This world is not Real. The ego is not Truth. Only God is Real.


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