Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will God help me with my problems?

The short answer is that God has already helped with our only problem. Now the question becomes: Will we accept that help?

(That was a short answer??)

This question is a great example of the way human ego phrases statements as questions. This is like a little kid asking how Santa gets down the chimney. Sounds like a question, but it's really a statement or three. (Santa exists. He's coming on Christmas Eve. He enters our house while we sleep. He comes in through the chimney and brings us presents.) When a kid asks how Santa gets down the chimney, the kid is just seeking to reinforce an illusion in his mind.

We do the same things when we ask God to help us with our problems.

Who defines the problem? Who decides what help would look like? Who decides that God has the power or willingness to help? Who decides that God even knows about our problems?

Have you noticed that everything we define as problematical is something that infringes on our self-concept in some way?

God doesn't care about your self. God doesn't even know about your self! That's the bad news.

The Good News is that God DOES know and care about your Self. And the only "problem" that Self ever had has already been solved.

Wanna know more?


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