Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Do we agree?

Agreement is an interesting and important concept to examine. Separate humans agreeing with each other produces effects because it mirrors the Oneness of Reality. The more consensus we have, the more 'real' things seem. Probably the most obvious examples of this are gravity, time, and space. We are physically born already agreeing with those three ideas, even if we can't articulate them.

This is how the world defines 'fact' -- something that is seemingly true, regardless of your belief or non-belief. If you jump off a building, the earth will pull you down, whether you consciously believe in gravity or not. Your body will age regardless of your conscious view of time. Your physical self can only be in one space at one time (though interestingly, we can be elsewhere in our thoughts).

The world could be defined as a consensus reality. It seems real because so many of us agree on some basic parameters. Keep in mind, I'm talking about mind. Not brain. Your mind is outside of space and time, not confined to your brain. A newborn's brain doesn't have any programming yet about time, but his mind certainly has agreed to be subject to time.

What about exceptions? Are there any that we can point to? Well, depends on how open your mind is. How perception works is a whole other topic, but suffice it to say that if you are convinced that there are no exceptions to a rule, you won't find any. Are there examples of beings who don't agree with gravity, space, or time? You won't encounter any examples until you begin questioning reality as you understand it.


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