What is judgment?
This is a very important question to answer because it exposes the central thinking error that seems to hold this universe together and perpetuate illusion.
Judgment is a two-step process. First, you must observe something. Second, you must evaluate your observation.
Merely making an observation is NOT judgment; there must be a value assigned to the observation, too.
Example: I see a person shopping at Walmart wearing their slippers and jammies. So far, just observation. But then I add a value, such as, people who go out in public in their lounge wear are trashy low-lifes who have totally given up. Now my observation has crossed over into judgment. And often this process happens so quickly that we don't notice the TWO steps in our thinking.
Why is this important?
Because when we use our observations to justify adding value to another person or taking value away from another person we perpetuate the illusion that there is such a thing as 'another person.' In other words, we keep the myth of separation prominent in our minds. Never mind that there is only Oneness in God, and anything not created by God cannot exist. Separation CAN'T be real. But we want it to be.
And our continual judgments (big and small) keep the appearance going.
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