Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, December 03, 2010

What is Duality?

Duality is a word that describes reality as it seems to be in the earth format. Here, each thing seems to be defined by an opposite. On earth, how do we know what something IS? By also knowing what each thing ISN'T.

I am male (not female).
I am middle-aged (not young).
I am middle class (not wealthy).
I am Mormon (not Catholic).
I am white (not black).
I am Democrat (not Republican).

And so on.

Duality describes a situation where reality and separation can (seemingly) coexist.

But even here, we have a few things that are dualistic only from a grammatical point of view. Light, for example. Most people would say that the opposite of light, is darkness. But, science tells us that light is a real energy form, while darkness is just a word we made up to describe absence of light. When you leave your fridge door open, you are not letting the cold out (no such thing as cold); you are letting heat (real energy) IN.

These examples point to a different view of Reality, and it is this Reality that I am claiming is the Real One. Non-dualistic. No opposition. No separation. No limitation. No individuality. (Have you ever noticed that the word duality is right there inside the word individuality?)

Darkness does not truly oppose light. Darkness is simply not real. In the same fashion, all the things that we believe are not God, are simply not real.

In my view, the word "God" means "Reality." That which Truly Exists. All else is appearance.


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