How can I know this stuff is true?
If you've been reading my material carefully, you'll notice that the two most-important words in this question are words that I reserve for Heaven, our state of Oneness with God: Know and True. In plainer words, I don't believe a human mind EVER knows anything as true. What we call knowledge is a complex interaction between individual perception and collective consensus. And truth is relative to the person and the situation.
If this question is meaningful to you, ASK yourself why truth is important. Is it so you can convince others? Is it so you can justify your path to others? Or is it important for your own peace of mind?
You can not convince others of the validity of your spiritual path. You may be able to shut them up by out-arguing them, but 'a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.'
If, however, your concerns are solely for your own peace, here are some pointers:
- See if some concepts 'resonate' or 'click' with you. Are there any ideas that just seem right, even if you can't always explain why they do?
- Have you had any 'mystical' experiences that seem to point you in the direction of a certain path or line of thinking?
- Do any concepts answer questions for you or put certain issues to rest?
- Are you conscious of resistance? (We tend to resist ideas that we feel are more accurate, but perhaps we're not quite ready for.)
- Do you feel a sense of urgency in your quest? Or more of a sense of surety that the answers will come when the time is right?
Though Truth is my highest concern, I don't think it's a very useful concept for people just beginning a conscious spiritual path. I would advise to focus more on your awareness of Peace. The more that peace is in your awareness, the more 'true' that path is for you, at this point in time.
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