What if non-dualism is wrong?
Atheists will focus on the words I use (God, Christ, Heaven, Spirit, etc) and point out that none of these things can be objectively observed. Religious people will look at non-dualistic concepts and observe that I am mis-defining some words that are very important to them. But, as Jesus is quoted in the gospels, "He who hath ears to hear, let him hear." I present these concepts on this blog mainly to process all that I have learned from my years of study. If this blog helps other people in some way, I will be glad. If it just seems like nonsense as you read it, it's not your path.
But, let me address the question. As already mentioned previously, certain energy forms in the physical universe demonstrate the concept of non-duality. Darkness is not a thing; it is a word for the absence of a thing. Light is real; darkness is just light being blocked out. Heat is real; cold is just a word for 'not adequate heat.'
This is what I'm claiming in this blog. God is Real. Fear is just a word for what we feel when we block out God or don't perceive adequate connection with God. We think we've separated from God, so we wander in 'darkness' feeling the 'chill' of fear.
So what if I'm wrong? I'll just live my life and die, and this blog will be a testament to those crazy ideas Tony had. The beauty of non-dualism is that it doesn't require belief. I don't have to proselytize or convince anyone that I'm right. Truth needs no defense. If something is True, eventually it will prevail. If something is false, eventually it will disappear.
Only Truth remains at the end of time. While time endures, all we have is belief. Do I believe this stuff is true? In my present circumstances, it seems to be. I feel more inner peace at this stage of my life than at any other time before. Could I be deluding myself? I suppose it's possible. But, so what? I'm not hurting anyone, nor interfering in their lives in any way. I'm not sending out junk mail or knocking on peoples' doors to share my joyous message in the middle of their favorite TV show. I'm just writing words on my little blog.
If my words are interesting or helpful to you, great! If not, click on the little red X.
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