Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are we guided in our choices?

Because our mind is split we can make choices based on ego or based on Spirit. If we don't do anything consciously, we will almost always be listening to ego. My metaphor is that ego is like the 'default setting' of earth life. Often, though, in times of pain or tribulation we will cry out for help. As soon as we ASK, Spirit is invited. Spirit can only respond to willingness, being the part of our mind that remembers Truth. One aspect of Truth is that it's not coercive; It can't do anything until we ASK It to do something.

Now, strictly speaking, ego and Spirit are not outside forces working ON us. (Remember, in Truth, we are all ONE; there is no separation.) But when we believe we're in this world, it can seem to us that there are outside forces. Really, when we are 'guided' we are merely listening to our own mind, outside time and space. Our mind can (and usually does) make choices to reinforce and perpetuate the ego thought system. Ego's 'ideal' situation is to keep things moving along with a little contrast here and there. Life goes on with happy moments and sad moments. We get sick and then we get better. We earn money, we lose money. We bring other bodies into the world, and we bury the ones that have worn out. We enter relationships, and relationships end. We work hard, and we take time off. This is just the way ego wants it to be. Ego tells us that this is existence. And indeed, if we choose ego, this IS existence. We seem 'stuck' in this format, where most of the time life is just so-so; not too good, not too bad.

When we ASK for help, though, things change. We have opened our mind to the memory of our True Identity. We begin to have experiences that point us toward Oneness, rather than separation. We will experience fear as we begin to see how wrong we have been, and we will usually retreat back into the ego thought system over and over again.

But each time we ASK, each time we make a different choice, each time we catch glimpses of Reality, our time in the ego prison is shortened. The more we ASK, the faster we will escape. Guidance is available for the ASKing.


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