Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is fear?

Fear is the very foundation of the world we perceive. It is the root cause of ego and thus the default setting for the underpinnings of this universe. We all know fear labeled as such, but we may not be fully cognizant of fear as the basis for all other feelings and motivations. Our very existence is based on fear!

Our actions are fear-based. We work at our jobs for fear of starving, or not having insurance, or not feeling useful. We associate with others out of fear of being alone. We help others so they will help us when we need it. We save money for emergencies. Our bodies save energy for emergencies. We fear that we will do or say something wrong. We fear what others may do to us. We fear natural disasters. We fear new experiences. We fear accidents and illness.

Every negative emotion is obviously based on fear. Sadness is fear of loss. Worry is fear of the future. Depression is fear that life as we see it is all that there is. Anger is fear that others are taking advantage.  We fear the disapproval of other people. Guilt is the fear that we did something wrong.

But even under our positive emotions, fear lurks. When we're happy, we fear it won't last. When we're together with others, we fear that they'll leave. When we have money, we fear it will run out. When we're employed, we fear we'll get fired.

It goes on and on and on. And under every fear is the biggie:  fear of death. We know we all have to do it, but we don't like the idea one bit. We know it's a fact of life, but we try to prevent it and delay it. And though it's a fact of life, we mourn bitterly when it happens.

Deeper spiritual inquiry reveals another fear underlying our fear of death: the fear of God. Even people who think they don't believe in God have fear that they're wrong. People who do believe in God believe that God is punishing them for their wrong-doings and short-comings. Many religions even explicitly state that death is our punishment for sin.

In this lifetime, fear is the feeling of not being able to handle life experiences. It is an illusion, of course, because we handle our lives just fine, one way or another.

Psychologists and new-age types talk and write about facing your fears, conquering your fears, surrendering your fears. What they don't want to admit is that we absolutely MUST have fear in this world of contrasts. Without bad stuff we have nothing with which to define the GOOD stuff! If belief in duality persists, the best you can hope for is to minimize fear; but you will never be rid of it. It is the flip side of all the positive things you think you want.

Once again, non-duality is the only answer. To finally leave the world of fear, we have to also leave the world of duality. This doesn't happen through death; it happens through waking up to Reality. For some, this awakening can seem to happen quickly. Most of us, though, have to take the process slowly and catch glimpses and reflections of Truth.

And what is this Truth? That there is LITERALLY nothing   to   fear.


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