Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, March 18, 2011

What is Mind?

In this world, our mind is commonly defined as our thinking apparatus contained within our brain. From this view, each person has a mind that is separate, self-contained, and limited. As our brains are programmed with new learning, we become self-aware and conscious. And when the brain ceases to function, the world says that the mind ceases, too.

Not surprisingly, non-dualism has a different view of what mind is. Only Oneness is Real, so Mind has to be an aspect of Oneness. There is only One Mind, so the belief in separate minds must be illusion. Limitation is illusion, so the belief that mind can be contained in separate bodies must be false. Also, the belief in different capabilities must be false.

Mind is just another word that labels Reality. This word represents the thinking, intentional, and creative aspect of Reality. Mind exists outside the confines of time and space. It is not separate, though it can choose to identify with separation. It is not limited, though it can choose to pretend that it is.

The only way that illusions can be accomplished and maintained is through misdirection--getting our Mind to pay attention to something other than Reality. Of course, in Reality, this could never occur, and it hasn't. But, if Mind desires illusion rather than Truth, it can make illusion seem very real. And thus, time/space/earth life.

For day-to-day practice, this question may not be very useful. When you're lost in illusion, Reality can seem abstract. To the insane, sanity seems incomprehensible. For now, just consider if it's possible that there is intelligence that exists outside the confines of time and space. Is it possible? Does it seem like it could be? See if you can open your mind just a bit to the idea that there may be some aspect of consciousness that is not limited and not individual. See if you can get in touch with the idea that consciousness can be shared, even absent overt communication.

Also, keep in mind that if you're giving non-dualism a TRY, you don't have to believe it at all. To see the results, all you have to do is ASK. The understanding comes after you experience the results. So, don't get too hung up on questions that seem overly intellectual and esoteric. Especially if you are just beginning this path, focus on the daily practice. As your mind is trained, you will begin to glimpse Mind. And once you experience That, you will increasingly see clearly how to apply this practice to the specifics of your life.


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