Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What about accountability?

This question points to another great 'portal' into a more non-dualistic approach to life. It won't quite get you all the way there, but is a great stepping stone for those who are presently considering that their approach to life is lacking something.

Accountability means accepting responsibility, of course; but responsibility for what? You can't be accountable for the actions of other individuals, organizations, governments, nature, etc. The common view is that we can only be responsible for our own choices.

But, TRY being a little more honest. Everything that manifests in your life is something you have either created, promoted, or allowed.  (CPA! An accountant!)  Startling? Think about it. Start with the people in your life. They are in your life because you choose to have them there. Your job or career? Obviously your choice. 

The further we get away from our immediate proximity, the more challenging this concept is to see.  But TRY it, anyway. Can you take any responsibility for what you are seeing? If you honestly can't find any way to do so, you can at least admit that you are in charge of your perception and interpretation of it. Maybe you can't be accountable for the tornado that killed nine people, but you ARE the one who chose to believe in the concept of people who can be killed by forces beyond their control. You perceive it, and you interpret it. Usually, you label it, too. A tragedy? A triumph? Good? Bad? Absurd? All your responses to seemingly external stimuli are quite clearly your own choices, which means you are accountable for them.

A word of caution:  I'm not talking about fault or blame here. Accountability simply means accepting your power and rejecting your weakness. It does not mean that you should feel guilty over things. Guilt is a subject for another blog entry, but know that guilt is deceptive. It's an ego device. When you accept accountability, ego rushes in to tell you that you should feel guilt and shame. When you do this, you reinforce separation, and you're right back where you started! Accepting accountability puts you on the path to ending your perception of separation; guilt puts you back on that erroneous avenue.

In the end, just before the carpet of time gets rolled up, we will ALL accept accountability for this entire illusion. We will see that we are not 'all' but rather ONE. And we will see that there is nothing to feel guilty about because we have not done anything to Reality. And when we are totally convinced that Reality remains perfect, we are back Home, in God.


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