Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, February 04, 2011

What about original sin?

In the strictest sense, sin cannot oppose God. Truth is One, Eternal, Real, Unassailable. The Real is defined as 'that which cannot be threatened.' When you look at non-dualistic definitions, sin simply cannot exist.

In the earthly format, however, sin is very much with us, and is usually a device of the ego. Most of the time, we define sin as a wrong-doing seen in another person. Occasionally, we observe a sin in our own life, but we are pretty quick to forgive and dismiss it. Rarely, there are people who perceive themselves as sinful and live a life of guilt and shame because of this belief. Sin, as used by human ego, is a measuring device by which to justify judgment; and judgment literally holds the universe of duality together and makes it seem real.

Spirit can also use the concept of sin to help us awaken to Reality. In non-dualistic thought, sin is defined as the belief that something other than God can be possible. When defined this way, we see that all human existence is predicated on sin. We believe we are individuals (not One). We believe we are bodies (not Spirit). We believe we are temporal (not Eternal). We believe we are limited (not Limitless). We believe we are fallen (not Saved). We believe we are human (not Christ). The list goes on. Every action we take, every word we speak, every thought we think is usually a symbol of our belief that we exist, separate and apart from each other and from God. When defined this way, the idea of original sin makes sense. Just by choosing to believe that a universe such as this can exist is SIN.

However, the fact that we are all conceived by and born into a life of sin does not mean that hope is gone. Quite the contrary. Sin is illusion, or rather the belief that illusion is real. This belief does not justify punishment, but it does beg for correction. Correction comes though Spirit and is individualized for each being. This correction (to which I apply the term Atonement) is for all beings who wander the realm of differentiated existence. It requires acceptance, though not intellectual understanding. It requires willingness, though not action.

The Atonement saves everyone from original sin. "God will not be mocked," sounds like a threat; but look on it as an assurance, instead. Our paradigm of what existence is does make mockery of God's perfect Creation. But our paradigm will not stand. Truth will prevail. Sin is not just doing something wrong; sin is the belief that it's POSSIBLE to do something wrong. God can't be opposed. The only thing opposing God is our belief that it's possible to oppose God. And this belief doesn't affect God in the least; it only affects us.


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