Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What is sin?

For those with a secular humanist view, sin would be defined as actions that negatively impact others. For those with a religious view, sin would be defined as opposing the will of God. From a non-dualistic perspective sin is represented by the false beliefs of the mind, and gives rise to manifestations of the other two definitions. In other words, all three definitions are correct. But one is more helpful. Allow me to explain.

Clearly, humans can do things to attack or neglect others. Of course, this is wrong, but not only because of the effects. The very thought that inspires attack or neglect is erroneous. There ARE no "others." When we attack or neglect, we perpetuate the belief in the fragmentation of Creation. When we do or think wrong things we are definitely opposing the will of God, or rather, we believe we are opposing the will of God. In Truth, the Will of God cannot BE opposed, because there is no other will!

Thus we are left with the non-dualistic definition of sin:  sin is nothing more nor less than a false belief that there is something other than Truth, other than God, other than Oneness. And it's something we all do, regardless of the form it takes.

Jesus is said to have taught about how our actions are judged exactly the same way we judge the actions of others. This teaching is mistakenly interpreted as being punitive, almost karma-like; sort of a 'what goes around comes around' thing. Nope.

Consider this example: An intruder breaks into your home and steals money. The intruder is later caught, and you realize that you are hoping that he will be prosecuted and punished by the law. You feel violated and wronged. You are righteously indignant. You smile with glee as his sentence is handed down, and you are thrilled that he will be incarcerated. But think back to the very beginning of this adventure.  Why did the intruder break into your home? To get money. Why? Money has value to him, and he believes he wants or needs some. And why were you so violated by his actions? Because money has value to you and you believe you want or need some. It's exactly the SAME belief!

Everything we label as a crime, wrong-doing, or a sin is a theft of one kind or another. And every one is based on a false belief of ownership combined with misplaced value. We are able to completely forgive when we see there is no harm done. But until we change our minds about where real value lies, we will continue to find many opportunities to judge and to perceive sin in the world.

This is not something we can think ourselves through in a logical progression. This requires willingness to question the very underpinnings of reality and to ASK for guidance in seeing each situation in the light of Truth rather than through the ego's dark glass. We can't be unfairly treated because there are no 'others' to treat us. But we believe there are. And that belief..... is sin.


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