Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Sunday, June 05, 2011

What's your problem?

Human life is all about problem-solving. From the moment we emerge from the womb, we begin to work on a seemingly endless list of problems. Every action and every word is an attempt to effect some kind of change in the present situation. Most of our thoughts also have to do with solving problems. Every breath we take, every swallow or cough, even each blink of our eyes is an attempt to improve a situation deemed unsatisfactory.

We humans are determined to change the world. Maybe not the entire planet, but certainly the world that seems to be in the immediate vicinity of our body.

We see an interesting dynamic in the relationships between young people and older people. Something seems to be an obstacle because of age or lack of experience. An older, wiser person looks at the same situation and proclaims, "No problem!" and then instructs the younger one how to go about solving it. Some people even begin to redefine problems as opportunities for growth and learning. These are all steps forward.

Those who believe in prayer, bring their problems to their prayers. When we voice our problems, we get a clearer view of how our current view affects our awareness of peace. We think we know what each problem is and how to solve it. So we pray for specific help with a specific problem. As we progress, though, we begin to see that we really have no idea what our problem is. All we know is that we are not at peace. If we keep ASKING and don't get deceived by specifics, this is when Spirit can help us.

The view of non-dualism as Reality totally removes this definition of problem solving, and brings into focus a very different problem:  our problem is that we believe in problems. Our problem is that we believe problems are possible. 

If there is no separation, there can be no problems. If only Perfect Oneness is Real, then the problems that we see are simply incorrect definitions. Everything defined by a human as a 'problem' has a foundational belief in separation. Once separation is called into question, the view of what a problem is shifts, also.