Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Friday, July 08, 2011

What about sensory organs?

We all know that our five senses can be deceived. For this reason, the scientific method relies on not just the observations of one or two people, but on the ability to duplicate experiment results over and over by several (or many) people. The idea behind science is that the more people who can observe the same experiment results, the more valid those results are.

Non-dualism asks us to consider another possibility:  what if our senses always present us with deception?

Everything that pertains to the physical body was intentionally (and insanely) designed to attest to the reality of the body itself. Why do we think our bodies to be real? Because we can see them. WITH an organ of the body! The reasoning is quite circular when you think of it on an individual level. Science recognizes this problem and attempts to address it by requiring consensus. As I've written before, science will ultimately be a valid path for many people because the goal of science is truth; any human endeavor that is dedicated to truth will succeed, because (according to non-dualistic thought) truth is all that exists, and is eternal.

So, we find ourselves (as always) back with the question of time. If scientific thought appeals to you and helps you to feel more peaceful, by all means pursue it. But many of us suspect that there are paths that lead us out of illusion in a more time-efficient manner than even science can.

By consciously aligning our thoughts with Truth, Changelessness, Oneness, Innocence, and Perfection we can hasten the end of time itself. Dare I say that non-dualism is the most time-efficient spiritual path that exists? Well, I do dare to proclaim that it is the most optimal path that I have found. All other paths that I have explored seem to orient participants back to the world and the human bodies that seem to be so real here. I have found a few other paths that do recognize the illusory nature of the world, but still make the mistake of thinking the world serves a divine purpose. So far, in my life, this is the only path I've found that admits that the world is not only illusion, but USELESS illusion.

Why would a perfect creation from a perfect Creator need an earth experience?

Saturday, July 02, 2011

What's up with the capital letters?

I've had a few readers wondering about the strange use of capital letters on this blog.  So will attempt to explain.

There are three words that I have posted on my classroom wall, and I call them the "Key Words." They are:  TRY, ASK, NOW.  At school, I use these words as guidelines for having success in school. But I'm always hoping that my students will realize that they are excellent guidelines for a successful life and, even more importantly, an avenue into conscious spiritual pursuits.

TRY. When we honestly TRY our very best, we discover two very important lessons: First, we discover that we are able to accomplish far more than we thought we could. Second, we learn that even our best efforts don't bring us deep, lasting satisfaction.

ASK. After we have tried our very best, we ASK for help. We ASK other people first, but Spirit receives any request for help. The words or the way we formulate the problem do not matter; what matters is that we have finally ASKed.

NOW. The only time that truly exists. The closest approximation to Eternity that our human brains can experience.

Those three words are so important, that I attempt to capitalize all three letters each time I use them.

Other words begin with capital letters. Some of them (God, Christ, Jesus) are proper nouns. But other times, I capitalize words that have some connection or correlation with Reality. Remember that in non-dualistic thought, this world and universe can't be Real because they change. God is That Which Never Changes, and thus can only create the Changeless. So, I'm attempting to differentiate between the ego's offerings of separation, differentiation, and individuation and the Realm of God, which is Oneness.