Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Sunday, August 05, 2012

To the person who called my spiritual views “Epic Bullcrap.”

At first, I was elated that someone had actually looked at my blog! I mean, so few people visit you can hear crickets chirping over here!

Then, I was a little miffed at your use of a linking verb. The exact statement was “Non-dualism is epic bullcrap.” Is? IS? As in, another name for it? The same thing as? But, soon, I relented and reminded myself that you were just expressing an opinion, your own perspective, your own angle, your take. And, let’s be honest, that’s all any of us can do. When we make any kind of declarative, we’re just expressing our own opinion. And you know the old saying about opinions and the analogous body part.

Then, the Golden Rule kicked in. So you disagree with my views, okay. But calling them “bullcrap?” How would you like it if I called your views bullcrap? Is it appropriate in any public forum to categorically label a fellow human-being’s perspective as “bullcrap?” Is it okay to call Mormonism bullcrap? Catholicism? Sexism? Racism? Oh, wait. . . yeah. I guess if I put my views out on-line, I should be prepared for some people to simply put them in the category of “Male Bovine Excrement.”

So, where I’m at now, is I’m feeling dismayed that you felt the need to post your opinion anonymously. I would have enjoyed a dialogue! At the very least, it would be fun. And possibly, you have some viewpoints that may help me in some way. As a seeker of truth, I have to be willing to admit that my beliefs and paradigms may be incomplete, faulty, or totally false; and I must be willing to follow truth whichever way it leads, even if it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient.

I’m going to post this missive on the blog and also on Facebook. Maybe you are some random blog surfer, and you’ll never see this. Maybe you are someone I know, and you will reconsider the chance to chat about some of life’s mysteries. Regardless, writing this has made me feel better. Even if my views are bullcrap.


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