Tony's Page: Spiritual Journey and Musings

One man's journey into the only aspect of human life that ultimately matters....

Sunday, May 22, 2011


What's in it for me? This is the great motivator for all ego pursuits. (And, keep in mind, all human pursuits ARE ego pursuits until we release them to be reinterpreted.) Ego is our 'default setting.' It's not that we have egos because we are human; rather, humanity is a projection of ego. In other words, once mind believed in ego (separation) it projected an entire universe of separation. Then ego gets us to believe that it resides in the body and/or the brain.

The basic concept of 'me' is the foundation of ego. Separation and limitation are built right into this concept. The traits that make ME who and what I am are those that contrast with the traits of others. Even those rare instances of identical traits (such as twins or common interests) still support belief in separation because of the seemingly mutual exclusiveness of time and space. (You and I may both groove on camping, for example. But we can't camp in the same place at the same time. And we can't experience the event in exactly the same way. So the concept of ME is preserved.)

To the ego, ME (self) is top priority. Our five senses and appetites are all 'getting devices' designed to allow us to acquire things and experiences that add to and enhance our sense of self. We don't talk about it too often, but our human activities have WIIFM as a powerful motivation. When we get together with other people, what do we talk about? You guessed it! The things we have done, said, and thought. And when we share those doings with others, our sense of self gets further enhanced and reinforced.

So, when we begin to be aware of the emptiness and unsatisfactory nature of ego pursuits, we begin to ASK if there is some other way to perceive. This is our invitation to Spirit. Spirit is not coercive, and must wait until we ASK. So, how does Spirit respond? We have requested help, but we are also still clinging to our ego identity. Spirit does what It always does: it takes our ego perceptions and reinterprets them in a way that helps us. This reinterpretation is as unique as our ego self.

The reinterpretation offered by Spirit has all the traits of God (since it comes from God). It will be unlike anything you've experienced before. It will be permanent. It will remind you of Oneness, Perfection, and Innocence. It will bring Eternity closer to your awareness. And, the miracle of this, is that Spirit will do this in a way that is perfect for who you are and where you are in your journey.

This experience of ASKing for vision and the step forward that occurs after you ASK, is a miracle. When we ask ego what's in it for me, ego gives us lies based on lies. But when we ASK Spirit, Spirit answers for the Real Me. This Self has no needs because it is already complete and perfect. And this begins a process of increasing awareness that this Perfect Self is our True Self. It's the Self we all share: the Perfect Creation of God.


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